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Thank you to the following People and Organisations who helped Naseem on her journey:-
Dr Haylock and teams at Clatterbridge and Walton Hospitals along with all volunteers Isle of Man Hospice and friends and volunteers of the Day Unit Isle of Man Air Ambulance and Isle of Man Ambulance Service Isle of Man Patient Transfers Nobles Hospital staff and those at the Blood Clinic, Path Lab and Radiology Beryl, Jenny, Ted, Claire and Simon Manx Cancer Help and Robin Davidson Macmillan Cancer The Willow Foundation PALS at Walton Hospital The Department of Health and Social Security Claire House Chaplains at Walton and Clatterbridge Hospitals St Mary's Church Congregation, St Mary's Church Choir + Special Guests Bridgewater Taxis Dr Cowie, Dr Harrop and Kensington Road dedicated staff and District Nurses Kinrade and Hemensleys Pharmacies Occupational Therapy at Walton and the Isle of Man Isle of Man Newspapers IOM Dental Clinic John Coppell, Emma Cooke, Matt James, Mandy Griffin, Alan Wilcox and the Cannons Mike Doolan at Barclays All IOM Government staff in the departments that have and are fundraising Government Offices Canteen Staff The Isle of Man Dance Teachers Association The Manx Operatic Society Crossroads Isle of Man CLIC Sargent at Clatterbridge
Finally to all Naseem's Friends and Family along with organisations and members of the public who have dontated to the charity